About the Partners
Having been awarded Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) funding, Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District (Rosedale) has partnered with Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) to form the Groundwater Banking Joint Powers Authority to legally build and operate the Kern Fan Groundwater Storage Project. Rosedale, as the host district, serves as the general manager over implementation and operations.

Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District, west of Bakersfield, encompasses about 44,150 acres in Kern County, with 27,500 acres developed as irrigated agriculture and approximately 7,500 acres developed for urban uses. Rosedale’s service area overlies the Kern County Sub-basin of the larger San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin. Rosedale was established in 1959 to develop a groundwater recharge program to offset overdraft conditions in the underlying sub-basin. Prior to the groundwater recharge efforts initiated by Rosedale, groundwater levels in the District were declining at a rate of eight to ten feet per year. Through implementation of groundwater recharge programs and participation in the State Water Project, Rosedale slowed the decline in groundwater levels dramatically. In the mid-1990s, groundwater levels again were declining, and Rosedale initiated its Conjunctive Use Program.
Irvine Ranch Water District was established in 1961 as a California Water District. IRWD provides drinking water, sewage collection and treatment, recycled water and urban runoff treatment to about 422,000 residents in 181 square miles of central Orange County. IRWD has a diverse water supply that includes local groundwater, recycled water, imported water, local surface water, and water banking facilities. About 54% of the IRWD water supply comes from 26 local groundwater wells; 18% is imported from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; and 26% comes from recycled water. IRWD participates in Rosedale’s Conjunctive Use Program through IRWD’s Strand Ranch Integrated Banking Project and the Stockdale Integrated Banking Project.